Costa Rica Spring Break 1988/89.

Created by neal wilkinson 12 years ago
Travels with Diego where seldom well planned or thought out but always fun..... Typical trip to Costa Rica involved day pack, hammock, bus fare and little else. One evening after casada (local meal), we headed down the beach looking for a peaceful place to hang hammocks for the night. The night was calm and dark in a small clump of coconut trees and we were tired from day of beach hopping and sun. We passed out quickly under the stars. Later that night, I was awoken by the crash of metal machete on the tree holding up my hammock to find a short capesino in crumpled hat, rope holding up his pants, machete in the air, yelling down at me captured in the folds of my tight hammock. Unable to comprehend the situation, I lay still and hoped that I could talk my way out of this one. Diego had selected a clump of trees deeper in the woods, and watched over the developments. Somehow he noticed a lisp in our attacker's voice, sway in stance or spit flying with obscenities that the machete waving man was a wandering drunk walking home after too many. Diego slipped his hand into the side pocket of his day pack and clanked a small bottle of rum he has stashed for later travels and with that remarked in a local slang that we could solve everything over a trago (drink). The machete went down and a drink was passed making the situation immediately change. Our attacker became our night watchman and instant caretaker. We decided to give him enough rum to ensure that he would sleep long enough for us to get out at first light and ensure that he was not temped to return looking for more.... We traveled on the next day and enjoyed the countryside, beaches and good company until return of school. What is the message of this tale? Do not sleep on the beach, stay safe, fear unknown? Instead choose your friends carefully, enjoy the time you are given and live life to the fullest. Diego lived a great life, traveled far and wide, and touched many people. His sparkle, wit, curiosity and impulsiveness expanded our lives. Diego is missed. Other memorable moments: flipping motor boats, tele turns, pineapple hangovers, Yukon gold miners, sailing trips to Pensacola, fish tacos and jazz fest just scratch the surface..... Neal